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SD Host vs. SPI Comparison
Sep. 2008
SD Host vs. SPI Comparison
This report is intended to provide a comparison between a utilizing a generic SPI Host and a fullfeatured
SD/SDIO/MMC Host for integrating SD Card / device functionality into an Altera NIOS‐based
platform using uClinux as an OS. Engineers and system integrators can benefit from learning of some of
the advantages and drawbacks with the various approaches available in integrating an SD Host into their
SD Protocol Overview
The SD/SDIO Protocol (current spec 2.0) is a high‐speed serial protocol used primarily for interfacing
with SD (SecureDigital) Flash memory cards. SDIO, a specification based on SD, can be used to interface
with devices such as Wireless ICs. This paper will mainly focus on the SD protocol and interfacing with
flash memory. It should also be noted that the SD Protocol is largely based on the MultiMediaCard
(MMC) format, although some mechanical differences exist. For the purpose of this report, they can be
treated equally.
The first revision of the SD Protocol supported only up to 4GB of data in a flash memory card. With
the advent of SDHC (2.0), capacities of up to 32 GB (2TB theoretical) can be supported. On a physical
level, SDHC is equivalent to SD 1.0. The changes mostly exist in the block/MAC‐level of the protocol.
The table below outlines the various signals used when interfacing with an SD device. Different
operating modes utilize the signals in different ways.
SD Mode (1 and 4‐bit) SPI Mode
Name Type Description Name Type Description
CMD Bidir. Command/Response DI Input Data In
CLK Input Clock SCLK Input Clock
DAT[0] Bidir. Data Line 0 DO Output Data Out
DAT[1] Bidir. Data Line 1 RSV ‐ ‐
DAT[2] Bidir. Data Line 2 RSV ‐ ‐
DAT[3] Bidir. Data Line 3 CS Input Chip‐select
There are 3 fundamental modes that the SD Physical layer can operate in:
1. 4‐bit SD DAT Mode
2. 1‐bit SD DAT Mode
3. SPI‐Mode
All modes of transport only dictate the physical layer operation; the block layer of the interface
remains the same regardless of transport mode used. All modes of operation can be clocked up to
25MHz in standard‐speed mode, or 50 MHz in high‐speed mode.
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SD Host vs. SPI Comparison
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1 and 4‐bit SD DAT Mode
The 1 and 4‐bit SD DAT Modes differ only by the number of data lines used. The 4‐bit mode allows
the host to utilize all four of the SD Data lines, thereby increasing throughput significantly. In SD Mode,
all command/response tokens are sent over the CMD line. The DAT lines are reserved for data blocks. All
command/response tokens are required to be protected with a 7‐bit CRC, and the Data blocks with a 16‐
bit CRC (both based on CCITT polynomials).
In SD Mode, the DAT signals are also used for three additional functions. 1) To implement wait
states from the device to the host, 2) To indicate successful reception of data blocks on write
operations, and 2) To signal interrupts from the device to the host. Wait states are useful when writing
large data blocks to an SD Device for example. In the event that the write‐buffers on the card are full,
the device can indicate it is busy through special signaling on the DAT line. This eliminates the need for
un‐necessary polling. On reception of data blocks that are being written to the device, the device will
calculate and verify the CRC of the data in real‐time, and report the status on the DAT lines as well. This
allows the host to terminate or re‐issue a write block transaction if the device reports a CRC error.
SPI Mode
SPI Mode utilizes the popular Serial Peripheral Interface Bus (SPI). This bus contains clock, chipselect,
data‐in and data‐out signals. Most microcontrollers/processors come with a host SPI port, or a
variant, allowing for easy interfacing. In addition, several low‐end microcontrollers also support a SPI
port due to its low resource requirements.
With SPI Mode, all command/response tokens are transmitted over the Data‐in / Data‐out pins.
There is no separate line for command/response. Once command/response tokens have been
transmitted, data blocks are also transmitted on the same lines. CRC protection is also specified using
SPI, however, it is disabled by default and uses a weak CRC protection scheme since most SPI Hosts do
not have built in CRC generation.
Test Setup
The Nios II Evaluation Kit from Altera (aka: NEEK) is the platform used for evaluating performance of
an SD Host versus SPI Host. The kit features 32 MB DDR RAM, a Cyclone III FPGA, and SD Slot.
Unfortunately, the NEEK only supports 1‐bit SD DAT Mode since all 4 Data signals are not connected to
the FPGA.
The FPGA Projects used were:
• FPS‐Tech SD Host Evaluation project; used for testing the FPS‐Tech SD Host controller.
Datasheet can be found here.
• neek_ocm_spi test project located on the NIOS Wiki; used for testing the performance in SPI
Mode. Project uses Altera SPI Host controller. Datasheet can be found here.
SD Host Overview
A brief description of the SD Hosts used will be outlined in this section. The FPS‐Tech SD Host
controller is a high‐performance SD Host designed specifically for Altera NIOS‐based platforms. The host
has a number of features that dramatically improve performance in uClinux environments. Due to the
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SD Host vs. SPI Comparison
Sep. 2008
relatively low clock speeds that the NIOS can run at, the SD Host tries to offload as much work as
possible to free up the processor for other tasks. Some of the features of the host include:
• Full support for 1 and 4‐bit DAT Modes
• Integrated card‐detect and write‐protect pins with filters
• Open‐source uClinux driver, available on public upstream repository
• Powerful integrated DMA engine backpressure and pre‐fetching support to tackle highlatency
memory sub‐systems (such as DDR)
• Support for SDHC flash cards
• Deep read and write FIFOs to ensure maximal physical‐layer transfer rate
• DMA engine designed specifically to maximize Altera Avalon’s interconnect architecture
• Integrated 7‐bit and 16‐bit CCITT CRC generation
• Detailed profiling registers included to identify any potential bottlenecks in system
• External busy signal output for busy indication
The SPI host controller used was a standard Altera SPI Host. The host allows for different data byte
sizes, but does not have any DMA or CRC capabilities since it is a standard SPI Host. The Altera SPI host is
also supported by the upstream uClinux distribution through an open‐source driver.
uClinux 2.6.26 and 2.6.27 were used as the kernel revisions for benchmarking the test setups. A
modified version of the disk IO benchmarking utility ‘bonnie’ (information located here) was used to
measure read and write throughput. The utility was modified to remove character based read/write
tests since they are more a measure of the processor performance. The test was run on various file
sizes, although performance maintained relatively constant across different test cases.
In addition to measuring read/write performance, interrupt statistics and profiling registers were
also monitored to obtain additional information about the tests. This test is as much of a software driver
test as it is a SD Host test since driver interaction with the kernel can heavily influence the results. Since
most system integrators will be considering uClinux to interface with SD memory, the system consisting
of the driver and SD Host will be treated as one.
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SD Host vs. SPI Comparison
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Test Setup Summary
The test‐setup for the SPI‐based host is given in the table below:
Test Setup
Date 9/14/2008
Hardware Platform NEEK
CPU / MEM Configuration 100 MHz CPU / 66.5 MHz, 32 MB DDR
FPGA Project neek_ocm_spi
SD Controller
Type Altera Standard SPI Controller
Version Quartus 8.0
PHY Interface Mode / Speed 1‐bit SPI Mode / 15.0 MHz
Linux Kernel / Driver
Kernel Version 2.6.27‐rc6
Driver Configuration No bounce buffer
SD Card
Brand Ultra SecureDigital Card
Size 1 GB
The test setup for the FPS‐Tech SD Host is given in the table below:
Test Setup
Date 7/9/2008
Hardware Platform NEEK
CPU / MEM Configuration 87.5MHz, 32 MB DDR
FPGA Project uclinux_sdio_test
SD Controller
Type FPS‐Tech SD/SDIO/MMC Host
Version 1.1
PHY Interface Mode / Speed 21MHz / 1‐bit
Linux Kernel / Driver
Kernel Version 2.6.26‐rc9
Driver Configuration No bounce buffer, max_blk_count = 8,
max_seg_size = max_req_size = 4096
SD Card
Brand Ultra Secure Digital Card
Size 1 GB
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SD Host vs. SPI Comparison
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Benchmark Results
SPI Host Results
Test Configuration
File Size 50 MB
Write Stats
Block Output 75 KB/s, 3.2% CPU
Driver Interrupts <Independent Read/write interrupts not available>
XFER_LEN / BUSY_LEN / BUS_LEN <Stats not available for SPI Core>
Read Stats
Block Input 69 KB/s, 1.1% CPU
Driver Interrupts 110,591,051 (read+write)
XFER_LEN / BUSY_LEN / BUS_LEN 24 minutes for read+write
Test Configuration
File Size 250 MB
Write Stats
Block Output 74 KB/s, 3.3% CPU
Driver Interrupts <Independent Read/write interrupts not available>
XFER_LEN / BUSY_LEN / BUS_LEN <Stats not available for SPI Core>
Read Stats
Block Input 69 KB/s, 1.1% CPU
Driver Interrupts 553,209,715 (read+write)
XFER_LEN / BUSY_LEN / BUS_LEN 1h 58m for read+write
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SD Host vs. SPI Comparison
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FPS‐Tech SD Host Results
Test Configuration
File Size 50 MB
Write Stats
Block Output 1464 KB/s, 39% CPU
Driver Interrupts 53,157
Read Stats
Block Input 1737 KB/s, 18.4% CPU
Driver Interrupts 26,031
Test Configuration
File Size 250 MB
Write Stats
Block Output 1410 KB/s, 39% CPU
Driver Interrupts 271,021
Read Stats
Block Input 1739 KB/s, 18.5% CPU
Driver Interrupts 130,188
Note: The XFER_LEN/BUSY_LEN/BUS_LEN numbers are all given in ‘seconds’ units. For details on these
parameters, please refer to the FPS‐Tech SD Host datasheet.
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SD Host vs. SPI Comparison
Sep. 2008
Summary and Conclusions
Using the results available in the benchmarking and protocol information sections, one should be
able to determine which SD Host (SPI or full‐featured SD‐host) suits their application best. While it is
clear that the FPS‐Tech SD‐host provides a very large increase in throughput, this may or may not be the
sole requirement of the application at hand.
The table below summarizes the advantages/disadvantages of both approaches is given below.
Item SPI Host FPS‐Tech SD Host
Logic Footprint Very small logic footprint inside the
FPGA (<200 LEs) due to simple logic.
Larger footprint; around 2,000 LEs are
required to implement the full 4‐bit SD
Memory Footprint Requires no on‐chip memory inside
Required 1 M9K of on‐chip memory
for read/write FIFO
Throughput Very low performance due to bytelevel
interaction between driver and
Highest throughput possible due to
integrated DMA engine, block prefetching
schemes and full 4‐bit DAT
Driver Size Slightly more complicated driver due
to byte‐level interaction between
driver and host
Simple driver since most functionality
is offloaded onto SD Host IP.
Cost SPI Host and driver are free from
Driver is free open‐source, but SD Host
IP requires a one‐time fee (no royalty)
Protocol Usage SPI Host utilizes the simpler SPI
mode of the SD protocol
Full 4‐bit DAT in SD Mode utilized,
with optional 1‐bit mode if desired
Significant processor overhead
incurred due to large number of
interrupts (byte‐level processing)
Very‐low processor overhead since
transactions are handled on a multi
block‐basis by the Host IP
Driver Availability Driver is integrated into upstream
distribution, open‐source, supported
by NIOS Community
Driver is integrated into upstream
distribution, open‐source, supported
by FPS‐Tech
Device‐side interrupts SPI Mode does not support Deviceside
Full support for generation of
interrupts from device side
Busy Indication SPI Mode does not support wait
state signaling from device side
Full support for wait states from
device, eliminating need for polling
SPI Mode supports CRC, but is
disabled by default. The Altera SPI
Host does not support hardware
generation of CRCs
Generation and verification of both 7
and 16‐ bit CCITT CRCs are performed
In conclusion, both host options offers their own distinct advantages that system integrators need
to consider when choosing the right host. The SPI Mode host is a free, simple and effective way to
implement SD functionality into a system if performance is not a requirement. In the event that
throughput and processor overhead are of concern, going with the full‐featured SD Host by FPS‐Tech
will offer numerous advantages. If the target application requires as many CPU cycles as possible to be
dedicated for other applications, the FPS‐Tech SD Host will allow this since the bulk of the SD Host
interfacing is offloaded into hardware.
SD Host vs. SPI Comparison
Sep. 2008
SD Host vs. SPI Comparison
This report is intended to provide a comparison between a utilizing a generic SPI Host and a fullfeatured
SD/SDIO/MMC Host for integrating SD Card / device functionality into an Altera NIOS‐based
platform using uClinux as an OS. Engineers and system integrators can benefit from learning of some of
the advantages and drawbacks with the various approaches available in integrating an SD Host into their
SD Protocol Overview
The SD/SDIO Protocol (current spec 2.0) is a high‐speed serial protocol used primarily for interfacing
with SD (SecureDigital) Flash memory cards. SDIO, a specification based on SD, can be used to interface
with devices such as Wireless ICs. This paper will mainly focus on the SD protocol and interfacing with
flash memory. It should also be noted that the SD Protocol is largely based on the MultiMediaCard
(MMC) format, although some mechanical differences exist. For the purpose of this report, they can be
treated equally.
The first revision of the SD Protocol supported only up to 4GB of data in a flash memory card. With
the advent of SDHC (2.0), capacities of up to 32 GB (2TB theoretical) can be supported. On a physical
level, SDHC is equivalent to SD 1.0. The changes mostly exist in the block/MAC‐level of the protocol.
The table below outlines the various signals used when interfacing with an SD device. Different
operating modes utilize the signals in different ways.
SD Mode (1 and 4‐bit) SPI Mode
Name Type Description Name Type Description
CMD Bidir. Command/Response DI Input Data In
CLK Input Clock SCLK Input Clock
DAT[0] Bidir. Data Line 0 DO Output Data Out
DAT[1] Bidir. Data Line 1 RSV ‐ ‐
DAT[2] Bidir. Data Line 2 RSV ‐ ‐
DAT[3] Bidir. Data Line 3 CS Input Chip‐select
There are 3 fundamental modes that the SD Physical layer can operate in:
1. 4‐bit SD DAT Mode
2. 1‐bit SD DAT Mode
3. SPI‐Mode
All modes of transport only dictate the physical layer operation; the block layer of the interface
remains the same regardless of transport mode used. All modes of operation can be clocked up to
25MHz in standard‐speed mode, or 50 MHz in high‐speed mode.
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SD Host vs. SPI Comparison
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1 and 4‐bit SD DAT Mode
The 1 and 4‐bit SD DAT Modes differ only by the number of data lines used. The 4‐bit mode allows
the host to utilize all four of the SD Data lines, thereby increasing throughput significantly. In SD Mode,
all command/response tokens are sent over the CMD line. The DAT lines are reserved for data blocks. All
command/response tokens are required to be protected with a 7‐bit CRC, and the Data blocks with a 16‐
bit CRC (both based on CCITT polynomials).
In SD Mode, the DAT signals are also used for three additional functions. 1) To implement wait
states from the device to the host, 2) To indicate successful reception of data blocks on write
operations, and 2) To signal interrupts from the device to the host. Wait states are useful when writing
large data blocks to an SD Device for example. In the event that the write‐buffers on the card are full,
the device can indicate it is busy through special signaling on the DAT line. This eliminates the need for
un‐necessary polling. On reception of data blocks that are being written to the device, the device will
calculate and verify the CRC of the data in real‐time, and report the status on the DAT lines as well. This
allows the host to terminate or re‐issue a write block transaction if the device reports a CRC error.
SPI Mode
SPI Mode utilizes the popular Serial Peripheral Interface Bus (SPI). This bus contains clock, chipselect,
data‐in and data‐out signals. Most microcontrollers/processors come with a host SPI port, or a
variant, allowing for easy interfacing. In addition, several low‐end microcontrollers also support a SPI
port due to its low resource requirements.
With SPI Mode, all command/response tokens are transmitted over the Data‐in / Data‐out pins.
There is no separate line for command/response. Once command/response tokens have been
transmitted, data blocks are also transmitted on the same lines. CRC protection is also specified using
SPI, however, it is disabled by default and uses a weak CRC protection scheme since most SPI Hosts do
not have built in CRC generation.
Test Setup
The Nios II Evaluation Kit from Altera (aka: NEEK) is the platform used for evaluating performance of
an SD Host versus SPI Host. The kit features 32 MB DDR RAM, a Cyclone III FPGA, and SD Slot.
Unfortunately, the NEEK only supports 1‐bit SD DAT Mode since all 4 Data signals are not connected to
the FPGA.
The FPGA Projects used were:
• FPS‐Tech SD Host Evaluation project; used for testing the FPS‐Tech SD Host controller.
Datasheet can be found here.
• neek_ocm_spi test project located on the NIOS Wiki; used for testing the performance in SPI
Mode. Project uses Altera SPI Host controller. Datasheet can be found here.
SD Host Overview
A brief description of the SD Hosts used will be outlined in this section. The FPS‐Tech SD Host
controller is a high‐performance SD Host designed specifically for Altera NIOS‐based platforms. The host
has a number of features that dramatically improve performance in uClinux environments. Due to the
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SD Host vs. SPI Comparison
Sep. 2008
relatively low clock speeds that the NIOS can run at, the SD Host tries to offload as much work as
possible to free up the processor for other tasks. Some of the features of the host include:
• Full support for 1 and 4‐bit DAT Modes
• Integrated card‐detect and write‐protect pins with filters
• Open‐source uClinux driver, available on public upstream repository
• Powerful integrated DMA engine backpressure and pre‐fetching support to tackle highlatency
memory sub‐systems (such as DDR)
• Support for SDHC flash cards
• Deep read and write FIFOs to ensure maximal physical‐layer transfer rate
• DMA engine designed specifically to maximize Altera Avalon’s interconnect architecture
• Integrated 7‐bit and 16‐bit CCITT CRC generation
• Detailed profiling registers included to identify any potential bottlenecks in system
• External busy signal output for busy indication
The SPI host controller used was a standard Altera SPI Host. The host allows for different data byte
sizes, but does not have any DMA or CRC capabilities since it is a standard SPI Host. The Altera SPI host is
also supported by the upstream uClinux distribution through an open‐source driver.
uClinux 2.6.26 and 2.6.27 were used as the kernel revisions for benchmarking the test setups. A
modified version of the disk IO benchmarking utility ‘bonnie’ (information located here) was used to
measure read and write throughput. The utility was modified to remove character based read/write
tests since they are more a measure of the processor performance. The test was run on various file
sizes, although performance maintained relatively constant across different test cases.
In addition to measuring read/write performance, interrupt statistics and profiling registers were
also monitored to obtain additional information about the tests. This test is as much of a software driver
test as it is a SD Host test since driver interaction with the kernel can heavily influence the results. Since
most system integrators will be considering uClinux to interface with SD memory, the system consisting
of the driver and SD Host will be treated as one.
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SD Host vs. SPI Comparison
Sep. 2008
Test Setup Summary
The test‐setup for the SPI‐based host is given in the table below:
Test Setup
Date 9/14/2008
Hardware Platform NEEK
CPU / MEM Configuration 100 MHz CPU / 66.5 MHz, 32 MB DDR
FPGA Project neek_ocm_spi
SD Controller
Type Altera Standard SPI Controller
Version Quartus 8.0
PHY Interface Mode / Speed 1‐bit SPI Mode / 15.0 MHz
Linux Kernel / Driver
Kernel Version 2.6.27‐rc6
Driver Configuration No bounce buffer
SD Card
Brand Ultra SecureDigital Card
Size 1 GB
The test setup for the FPS‐Tech SD Host is given in the table below:
Test Setup
Date 7/9/2008
Hardware Platform NEEK
CPU / MEM Configuration 87.5MHz, 32 MB DDR
FPGA Project uclinux_sdio_test
SD Controller
Type FPS‐Tech SD/SDIO/MMC Host
Version 1.1
PHY Interface Mode / Speed 21MHz / 1‐bit
Linux Kernel / Driver
Kernel Version 2.6.26‐rc9
Driver Configuration No bounce buffer, max_blk_count = 8,
max_seg_size = max_req_size = 4096
SD Card
Brand Ultra Secure Digital Card
Size 1 GB
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SD Host vs. SPI Comparison
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Benchmark Results
SPI Host Results
Test Configuration
File Size 50 MB
Write Stats
Block Output 75 KB/s, 3.2% CPU
Driver Interrupts <Independent Read/write interrupts not available>
XFER_LEN / BUSY_LEN / BUS_LEN <Stats not available for SPI Core>
Read Stats
Block Input 69 KB/s, 1.1% CPU
Driver Interrupts 110,591,051 (read+write)
XFER_LEN / BUSY_LEN / BUS_LEN 24 minutes for read+write
Test Configuration
File Size 250 MB
Write Stats
Block Output 74 KB/s, 3.3% CPU
Driver Interrupts <Independent Read/write interrupts not available>
XFER_LEN / BUSY_LEN / BUS_LEN <Stats not available for SPI Core>
Read Stats
Block Input 69 KB/s, 1.1% CPU
Driver Interrupts 553,209,715 (read+write)
XFER_LEN / BUSY_LEN / BUS_LEN 1h 58m for read+write
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SD Host vs. SPI Comparison
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FPS‐Tech SD Host Results
Test Configuration
File Size 50 MB
Write Stats
Block Output 1464 KB/s, 39% CPU
Driver Interrupts 53,157
Read Stats
Block Input 1737 KB/s, 18.4% CPU
Driver Interrupts 26,031
Test Configuration
File Size 250 MB
Write Stats
Block Output 1410 KB/s, 39% CPU
Driver Interrupts 271,021
Read Stats
Block Input 1739 KB/s, 18.5% CPU
Driver Interrupts 130,188
Note: The XFER_LEN/BUSY_LEN/BUS_LEN numbers are all given in ‘seconds’ units. For details on these
parameters, please refer to the FPS‐Tech SD Host datasheet.
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SD Host vs. SPI Comparison
Sep. 2008
Summary and Conclusions
Using the results available in the benchmarking and protocol information sections, one should be
able to determine which SD Host (SPI or full‐featured SD‐host) suits their application best. While it is
clear that the FPS‐Tech SD‐host provides a very large increase in throughput, this may or may not be the
sole requirement of the application at hand.
The table below summarizes the advantages/disadvantages of both approaches is given below.
Item SPI Host FPS‐Tech SD Host
Logic Footprint Very small logic footprint inside the
FPGA (<200 LEs) due to simple logic.
Larger footprint; around 2,000 LEs are
required to implement the full 4‐bit SD
Memory Footprint Requires no on‐chip memory inside
Required 1 M9K of on‐chip memory
for read/write FIFO
Throughput Very low performance due to bytelevel
interaction between driver and
Highest throughput possible due to
integrated DMA engine, block prefetching
schemes and full 4‐bit DAT
Driver Size Slightly more complicated driver due
to byte‐level interaction between
driver and host
Simple driver since most functionality
is offloaded onto SD Host IP.
Cost SPI Host and driver are free from
Driver is free open‐source, but SD Host
IP requires a one‐time fee (no royalty)
Protocol Usage SPI Host utilizes the simpler SPI
mode of the SD protocol
Full 4‐bit DAT in SD Mode utilized,
with optional 1‐bit mode if desired
Significant processor overhead
incurred due to large number of
interrupts (byte‐level processing)
Very‐low processor overhead since
transactions are handled on a multi
block‐basis by the Host IP
Driver Availability Driver is integrated into upstream
distribution, open‐source, supported
by NIOS Community
Driver is integrated into upstream
distribution, open‐source, supported
by FPS‐Tech
Device‐side interrupts SPI Mode does not support Deviceside
Full support for generation of
interrupts from device side
Busy Indication SPI Mode does not support wait
state signaling from device side
Full support for wait states from
device, eliminating need for polling
SPI Mode supports CRC, but is
disabled by default. The Altera SPI
Host does not support hardware
generation of CRCs
Generation and verification of both 7
and 16‐ bit CCITT CRCs are performed
In conclusion, both host options offers their own distinct advantages that system integrators need
to consider when choosing the right host. The SPI Mode host is a free, simple and effective way to
implement SD functionality into a system if performance is not a requirement. In the event that
throughput and processor overhead are of concern, going with the full‐featured SD Host by FPS‐Tech
will offer numerous advantages. If the target application requires as many CPU cycles as possible to be
dedicated for other applications, the FPS‐Tech SD Host will allow this since the bulk of the SD Host
interfacing is offloaded into hardware.